May The Third - Fresh Hop Friday
This Friday (tomorrow!) we hold our own homage to the art of wet/green/fresh hopped beers, with Fresh Hop Friday. As we did last year, we've assembled kegs of every fresh hopped beer that we can. And yes there are surprising differences from the beers that made up Hopstock a couple of weeks ago.
First and forement we have a rare keg of what is said to be the first and most renowned fresh hopped beer in the country - Sprig and Fern Harvest Pilsner.
We also have no fewer than three beers made at Townshend Brewery, including two collaborations made with Liberty's Joseph Wood.
And we'll have kegs of well known examples of this practice - 8 Wired Fresh Hopwired and Tuatara Conehead. And rounding out the range will be Golden Bear Greenstone Pacific and the returning Renaissance Benelux Pale Ale.
Altogether there will be eight fresh hopped beers on tap, including two pilsners, a Belgian ale and two hand pumped beers, so there should be no noticeable effects on the customary diversity of our tap lineup. Although connoiseurs of blandness will, as usual, be disappointed.
All eight beers should be on tap from opening time tomorrow.
Coronado Old Blighty ESB
Our recent shipment from California means that we not only get lots of fresh stock of great beers like Bear Republic Racer 5 and Green Flash West Coast IPA, we also get the odd keg of one or two seasonal releases from our favourite suppliers.
This week it was the outrageous Green Flash Palate Wrecker. Next week our new release should be a far more restrained beer in the form of Coronado Old Blightly ESB. Will the makers of Idiot IPA have the all round brewing skill to come up with a beer in an authentic English style? And even if they do will anyone give them credit? These and other questions will be answered shortly after 5pm next Tuesday when Old Blighty goes on tap, complete with our outrageous new Coronado Specialty Tap Handle.
Shake 'em on Downers
We're not sure how many of their seven members there will be room for in our lounge, nevertheless we're looking forward to hosting a genuine Swing band on Saturday night. The Wellington City Shake-'Em-On-Downers play from 10pm on May the 4th.
Anyone bringing droids, they'll have to wait outside. We don't want them here.
Coming Soon
When the fresh hopped beers run out we've a few extra special treats up our sleeve. We'll just leave you with their names. No description should be necessary.
- Nøgne Ø Imperial Stout
- Racer 5
- Oyster Stout
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