All That Jazz
Tonight, Rhino Boogie play their unique funk/hip-hop fusion.
Tomorrow night, we have guitar maestros Leigh Jackson & Nick Granville performing Gypsy Jazz/Bebop Fusion with Umar Zakaria on bass.
Saturday night sees The Carlos Navae Quartet return with Afro-Cuban Jazz, Soul, Funk and Caribbean beats.
All of these performances start at 10pm and are free as usual, so why not pop down for some great beer & music this weekend.
Tribute to a Rogue
Rogue beers have been key to Hashigo Zake's success, without Jack creating Rogue back in 1988 we wouldn't be the same.
Tomorrow we're putting a couple of Rogue beers on tap (Mocha Porter & Yellow Snow IPA), to drink to Jack and all he contributed to the world wide beer industry. Come and join us in a toast.
Just Another Pale Ale?
It isn’t your standard ‘hoppy pale ale’, this one is brewed with heaps of sweet Mandarin oranges from a local San Francisco farm, then dry-hopped with generous doses of aromatic Cascade, Columbus, Centennial, Simcoe and Galaxy hops.
Almanac love barrel aging, so this beer is finished with lightly toasted American oak.
Extra Pale Ale will be on tap from 5pm Tuesday!
Initially that meant a $2 discount, but as beer costs inevitably increased the difference in price between a half and pint increased, along with the SOBA discount. It has reached a point where SOBA discount on some beers is no longer cost effective.
This method of applying a discount also makes things unclear when it comes to discounting beers we only serve in 330ml glasses.
Don't worry, we're not abolishing the SOBA discount, just changing it. To deal with these issues, we are changing our discount to an easy 15% off tap beers, Sun-Weds. We hope this continues to encourage you lovely SOBA members to frequent our humble establishment.
Two Decades of Beer
Hashigo Zake regulars Ted and Frances have been involved in the local and national beer scenes for decades. Chances are you've seen them at the bar or around Wellington at some stage. But Ted & Frances haven't just been enjoying beer over this time, they've also been cataloging notes and opinions.Friend of T & F's Dale Cooper has now made it possible for two decades of beer notes to be made available to all.
Check out the huge record here. There's a massive record of NZ beers, with details on many beers and breweries which I never knew existed, and lots from Ted & Frances' overseas adventures.
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